I love getting emails! You can email me things you've written, what you like to read, favorite books, or really anything! I love getting emails!
If you would like to contact me, please leave a comment or email me at willasramblings@gmail.com. You can also add me as a friend on Goodreads here. Or, if you are a Book Blogger, you can add me as a friend there to! Book Blog Profile Also, please follow me! It makes me smiles and do a happy dance. :)
Also, the writing displayed on this blog may not be reproduced in any way without permission. I am also available to write a documents for people. If you are a literary agent or publisher and would like to contact me, please contact me via email. I also accept the occasional book to review. I ONLY, I repeat, ONLY accept printed books.
If you would like to do a guest post, please email me. Due to my homework load my blogging has become much harder to squeeze into my schedule, so please just shoot me an email! I would love topics on writing - whatever you choose and your reading choices or habits. Reviews I will have to think seriously about.