It's the first day of John Green Week! Can you believe it? It's already here! The time to celebrate the amazing John Green and all of his amazing books. I read my first John Green novel (The Abundance of Katherines) in 2009, and honestly, I didn't really like it that much. It's still not my favorite by far, and because I was so put-off by this book, I didn't read any John Green following up to my reading of this.
Then, my librarian forced Looking For Alaska into my hands in the beginning of 2010, and I loved it! I loved all of the characters, and I begun looking for more amazing John Green-ness. I found Let It Snow at my local library and was like, "YES! All my favorite authors forced into one book! YES! PARTY!" So I read Let It Snow, and my favorite story was John Green's by far.
He actually does this with his hair. No kidding.
After this, I went out and bought Paper Towns, which is my favorite John Green book EVER. I love this book more than chocolate (hard to do!) and I force it into any one of my friends who haven't read a John Green book. When my friend Erin from Mint Tea and a Good Book read it, she came to me screaming, "WILLA I LOVE IT! HELP ME COPE!" and I helped her. Then I reread it, and I came to her screaming, "ERIN I LOVE THE SCENE WHERE BEN PEES IN THE BEER BOTTLE SO MUCH!!!!!" and everyone around us looked at me like I was insane. But Erin reread the scene with me and we laughed until we cried, and then read some more scenes and laughed until we cried some more. A review for Paper Towns will be up later this week!
This past October, I went to Austin Teen Book Festival and bought Will Grayson, Will Grayson (John Green and David Levithan), which I liked. A lot. I didn't love it like I loved Paper Towns or Looking For Alaska, but I still really liked it. Then, I got it signed by David Levithan, and I that made this book even more awesome. I think Tiny has the best name ever and the most hilarious personality!
Another part of my John Green love is the vlogbrothers videos. I am obsessed with these. My favorite is pasted below for all to watch!
and this one.
I hope you love these videos, and the books of John Green as much as I do!
Good John Greeny times Willa, Good times.
Hoorah! Yay! Amazing! DFTBA! John Green is da man!