Friday, February 3, 2012

TGIF {24}: Book Appeal

Book Appeal: When you're browsing Goodreads, the library, or another blogger's reviews, what grabs your attention to make you want to read it?
This is a fantastic question, Ginger! For me, as a teen, I think one of the most important things for me is if it sounds like something worth my time. I'm quite busy with school, and when I read books, I like to make sure they sound like something I'll stick with.

I've recently noticed that I don't do many negative reviews on this blog, and that's probably because I have a precise way of picking books, and within these criteria, I always love the books I read. It makes the entire reading experience so much more entertaining! I'll summarize my criteria so you can see how I pick.
  1. Scan shelves and look for books I've heard good things about, or titles that grab me. Any book with a grabbing title and a dashing cover always pulls me in. I believe that book covers have a huge impact on the books we read, and in some ways, I do judge a book by the cover. The amount of time a publisher spent on the cover usually relates to how much they care about it = the quality of the cover.
  2. Publishers are huge part of my decision. Since blogging I've realized the good, bad, and ugly of the publishing business and I have favorite publishers and publishers I always trust with my reading. Some of those are Harper imprints, Simon & Schuster, Razorbill, and Putnam. Lately I've been really into a lot of Feiwel and Friends books.
  3. Obviously, the synopsis! If the book has pulled me in past the cover, title, and publisher, I read the synopsis. Sometimes I'm looking for a certain genre to balance my reading. I've been heavy on the serious  contemporary right now, so I just started a fantasy/paranormal to balance it out. 
  4. I take blogger opinions to heart when picking books, especially my close friends like Meredith, Jess and Katie. What they say goes. They love something, I try it. I think other bloggers and friends influencing your choices is one of the major ways I filter through long lists of books I want at bookstores, because a teen, I don't have a job = no money.
I think the way we choose books is entirely unique to each person, so find a way that fits you! 
Happy Friday!
This meme is hosted by the fabulous Ginger from G-Reads! Check her out at her blog!

1 comment:

  1. Aww Nice to know you value my opinion! :)

    Great Post Willa!


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