Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breaking Beautiful: Book Review

Novel: Breaking Beautiful by Jennifer Shaw Wolf | Goodreads
Release Date: April 24th, 2012
Publisher: Walker

Format: ARC

Source: ALA Midwinter
Challenge: Debut Author Challenge 2012
Allie lost everything the night her boyfriend, Trip, died in a horrible car accident--including her memory of the event. As their small town mourns his death, Allie is afraid to remember because doing so means delving into what she's kept hidden for so long: the horrible reality of their abusive relationship.
When the police reopen the investigation, it casts suspicion on Allie and her best friend, Blake, especially as their budding romance raises eyebrows around town. Allie knows she must tell the truth. Can she reach deep enough to remember that night so she can finally break free? Debut writer Jennifer Shaw Wolf takes readers on an emotional ride through the murky waters of love, shame, and, ultimately, forgiveness.

(Synopsis and Image from Goodreads)
Willa's Rambles:

At ALA Midwinter on the last day, Katie from Katie's Book Blog and I wandered over to the Bloomsbury booth, and there, on display, was Breaking Beautiful! Katie, being the wonderful girl she is, politely asked for a different book on the shelf, and the woman simply nodded. I copied Katie, and about had a heart attack when the woman said yes! Woman who said yes, if you are reading this: THANK YOU! 

I can't believe that I read this novel, because it's amazing. The storyline keeps you guessing and the characters are constantly surprising you. At first, I wasn't crazy about Allie - many things about her annoyed me, and as the book progressed, I grew to like not only her personality, but I also began to care about her. 

Same with Blake, her brother Andrew, and most of the other characters. Except for Trip. The minute I discovered the hidden secrets behind Allie and Trip's relationship, I hated him. I hated what he did to Allie, and I hated how she never told anyone. If your boyfriend hits you, you should tell someone, but her secrets affected the outcome of the investigation, and ultimately, Trip's death.

The entire novel, Allie is struggling with coming to terms with the relationship she had with Trip and trying to figure out what really happened to him that night, but she can't remember a thing. People continually bug her throughout the novel, and Allie tries continually, and what she remembers changes everything.

Jennifer Shaw Wolf's debut was breathtaking, gripping, and fantastic. I can't wait for her next!

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